Department Details
At the end of the course of Dermato-S.T.D. and Leprology, the student shall be able to:
- Demonstrate sound knowledge of common diseases, their clinical manifestations, including emergent situations and of investigative procedures to confirm their diagnosis.
- Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of various modes of therapy used in treatment of respiratory diseases.
- Describe the mode of action of commonly used drugs, their doses, side-effects/toxicity, indications and contra-indications and interactions;
- Describe commonly used modes of management including the medical and surgical procedures available for the treatment of various diseases and to offer a comprehensive plan of management for a given disorder.
The student should be able to:
Interview the patient, elicit relevant and correct information and describe the history in a chronological order.
- Conduct clinical examination, elicit and interpret physical findings and diagnose common disorders and emergencies;
- Perform simple, routine investigative and office procedures required for making the bed-side diagnosis, especially the examination of scrapings for fungus, preparation of slit smears and staining for AFB for leprosy patients and for STD cases.
- Take a skin biopsy for diagnostic purposes.
- Manage common diseases recognizing the need for referral for specialized care, in case of inappropriateness of therapeutic response.